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Welcome to the Federation of
Mount Pleasant Infant and Junior Schools

On behalf of both our schools, I would like to welcome you to Mount Pleasant Federation. We are dedicated and determined in ensuring that our school is a safe and stimulating environment in which to learn, work and visit.
We offer a warm and caring atmosphere whilst striving for the highest standards of achievement. Our motto is ‘Path to Success’ and we expect every member of our school community to feel that they are on a journey of improvement with a clear destination of achievement.
Our expectations are high and our pupils match these in their excellent attitudes and behaviours for learning. Pupils and parents are rightly proud of the way in which children conduct themselves and enjoy coming to school.
We look forward to welcoming you to our schools.
Mrs Emma Kerrigan-Draper
Executive Headteacher



Parent Partnership


Mount Pleasant Junior School

Mount Pleasant Road, Southampton, Hampshire, SO14 0WZ

For any enquiries contact our School Business Manager, Mr Richard Ware

T: 023 8022 3634
Executive Headteacher: Mrs Emma Kerrigan-Draper
Head of School: Mrs Alice Marshall

Mount Pleasant Infant School

195 Derby Rd, Southampton SO14 0DZ

For any enquiries contact our School Business Manager, Mr Richard Ware

T: 023 8063 0522
Executive Headteacher: Mrs Emma Kerrigan-Draper
Head of School: Mrs Gemma Brumwell